VOL. XXXIXNo. 3022-April-1996

Netback Values

The following are the latest f.o.b. netback values ($/Barrel), based on spot product prices in the Northwest Europe (Rotterdam) and US Gulf markets, as prepared by International Crude Oil and Product Prices:

Northwest Europe (Rotterdam)
 1996 Arab Lt Arab Hy Iran Lt Murban Kirkuk Kuwait Sahara Zueitina Bonny Lt Brent Oman
 11 Jan 17.81 17.19 17.52 18.12 18.21 16.88 18.85 19.20 19.70 19.66 18.10 15 Jan 16.82 16.20 16.37 17.10 17.24 15.95 17.89 18.14...